Sunday, November 9, 2008

President Obama

This is the first time in my life that the President of the United States is younger than me.......sad! I am glad that he was elected, and yes I voted for him. It is frustrating to me that church members and family members have called him evil, or the Anti-Christ and that he will ruin the moral of the country. Who are you to judge, God? EVERYONE is a Child of God.

I don't think anyone sets out to ruin the country they live in. I feel bad that President Bush is leaving his Presidency with the country in shambles. How hard for him, I feel empathy for him. I have never openly criticized President Bush, or his character. I've heard some pretty horrible things said about President Obama. Makes me feel heart sick to think about them. Would you honestly feel good about repeating them to our Father in Heaven?

I don't think anyone I associate with even knows I'm a Democrat by the things I say. I pretty much keep my political self to myself, and my family, and guess I did mention it in another post.

President Obama will not make you do anything that you don't want to do, anymore than President Bush made me do things I didn't want to, and yes there were a few but I didn't complain.

Last I checked the "Church" was based on free agency with blessings and consequences given as needed. I get tired of everyone in Utah thinking that if you live in Utah you're "Mormon" which I am and a very good one at that(mostly good anyway)! And Republican which I am not! If just the mere fact that I mention that I am a Democrat offends you just think how offended the three other Utah County Democrats, and I am when you speak ill of someone we respect and admire. Think before you speak not everyone believes, and feels as you do. The majority do(lucky you!) but there are a few of us(3) who think differently, and you really don't have anymore of a "spiritual in" than we do. Pray for your President, pray that he does well and helps the country that you live in! Every night I have prayed for our President and I didn't even vote for him, and I will continue with our new President! I've had my rant, now talk amongst yourselves!


Janice and Jessica said...

I so agree with you. I just emailed my cousin in Texas the almost exact same sentiment just last week. Thank you for letting me lurk on your blog. It is most enjoyable and you have a lovely family. I found you via your daughter, Katy's blog.

Janice in Virginia (who is also a democrat as well)

Richins Family said...

Can I get your email address? Here is mine or you can post it on my blog and then I will erase it. :)

Jay and Ang said...

Susan! You are so funny, you can stalk me any time. I LOVE boiled peanuts by the way.
I also voted for Obama and have always been behind him 100%. I am so glad you posted this blog entry. Not being LDS, it has been very frustrating to me to hear all my friends (and husbands family) bash Obama like he's the devil or something. The problem is, people get stuck in their ways, and get past this whole democrat/republican crap. Their stubborn and their afraid of change. I can't wait to see what the future holds for America!

Jay and Ang said...

PS-I just barely noticed you posted a comment on our blog, hence the delayed response. :)